Properties File Configuration

Properties files contain system-wide configuration settings for CWSerenade.

To edit a properties file: You can use a text editor to edit the file, being careful to only change the settings that are configurable.

Note: If you make a change to a properties file, you must select Change in Refresh System Properties (PROP) or stop and restart the SERENADE service (or the application server) before the changes take effect.

For more information: See CWSerenade Server Configuration for more background on configuring a multi-server environment.

Summary of Properties Files

Properties File


CWSerenade Properties Files

Typically, the CWSerenade properties files are saved on the CWSerenade application server at the following location, where C: is the root directory of the server.


This file on the CWSerenade application server contains configuration settings, such as password rules and options, for the application server. The system updates this file during the installation process; however, there are some settings, such as password rules, that you may wish to change to fit your configuration requirements. See CWDirectCP Properties File for more information.



Contains defaults for email generation within CWSerenade. See Setting up the Email Properties File for more information.



Defines settings related to data security.

CWSerenade Encryption: If you use the CWSerenade encryption routine to encrypt and decrypt credit card numbers in the CWSerenade database, this file defines the placement of the encryption keys and the level of key security. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Note: Changes to the Encryption Properties file affect all CWSerenade companies in the environment; once a single company is encrypted with an encryption key, the settings in the Encryption Properties file should not be changed without considering the impact to the existing encrypted company.



Defines the connection settings required to connect to an external system for the following integrations.

SKU Blocking Integration: See the Second Compatibility Code used to Trigger SKU Blocking (K84) system control value for more information.

Rewards Integration: See Rewards Customer Membership Program for more information.

WinRetail Integration: See WinRetail Setup Requirements for more information.

Mass Customer Download: See Mass Customer Download for more information.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration: See Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration for more information.

Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration: See Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration for more information.

Cybersource Decision Manager: See Cybersource Decision Manager Fraud Scoring for more information.

Litle Point-to-Point Integration: See Litle Point-to-Point Integration for more information.

CWData Integration: See Working with the Data Warehouse Integration in CWSerenade for more information.


Salesrep Associate Upload: See Salesman Associate Upload for more information.

Store Upload: See Store Upload for more information.

ChannelAdvisor: See ChannelAdvisor Setup for more information.

POSLOG for XLink: Defines settings to generate and send a custom POSLog to Xlink.



Configuration settings for IBM WebSphere MQ or HornetQ. See CWSerenade Property Settings for WebSphere MQ and CWSerenade Property Settings for HornetQ.



Configuration settings for IBM WebSphere MQ or HornetQ. See CWSerenade Property Settings for WebSphere MQ and CWSerenade Property Settings for HornetQ.


Defines printer information, such as the printer name, IP address, and Zebra printer type, the system uses to print RF labels. See LabelPrinters Properties File for more information.

cwdirectcp_locate. properties

Defines settings required for the Order Broker Integration. See Locate Properties File for more information.



Defines the type of information CWSerenade includes in the CWSerenade application logs and how long to retain logs before purging. See Logging Properties File for more information.



Settings used by MICROS staff to manage system processing.

ALERT_EMAILS: The email addresses that receive Managed Services reports. Separate email addresses with a semi-colon.

SUBJECT_LINE: The text that displays in a Managed Services email.

SUPPRESS_EMAIL: Defines whether a Managed Services email is generated.

Y = Do no generate Managed Services emails.

N = Generate Managed Services emails.

JOB_HISTORY_PURGE_DAYS: Defines the number of days to retain Managed Services job history before it is purged.

ACTIVE_PROCEDURES: Used to filter data on the Managed Services report.

INTEGRATION_PROCESS: Used to filter data on the Managed Services report.

REPORT_TYPE: Indicates the format of the Managed Services report.

.pdf = Generate the Managed Services report in .pdf portable document format.

.rtf = Generate the Managed Services report in .rtf rich text format.

.txt = Generate the Managed Services report in .txt text format.

Defines the settings you need for the Manifesting Web Service.

The Manifest Web Service is a job that runs outside of CWSerenade and is used to transmit messages between the PC Manifest system and CWSerenade. Because the Manifest Web Service runs outside of CWSerenade, it needs to know how to connect to the CWSerenade database environment. The Manifest Properties file identifies the CWSerenade database environment and the user ID to use to connect to the CWSerenade database environment.

See Manifest Properties File for more information.



• Defines the settings required for the Long Running Jobs Monitor to watch batch jobs running on the Job Management Screen and send a Long Running Job Email to a specified email address if a job runs without ending longer than a specified time. See Monitor Properties File for more information.

• Defines the settings required for the system to reset active processes and their associated running jobs when the CWSerenade application server is restarted. See Resetting Processes and Jobs on Server Startup for more information.

• Defines the settings required for the system to run a periodic process and its assigned periodic functions when the CWSerenade application server is restarted. See Running a Periodic Process on Server Startup for more information.

• Defines the settings required for the system to monitor the status of specific jobs, such as the last date and time when the job was updated, the last date and time when a transaction was processed by the job, and the menu option used to work with the job. You can set conditions for each job and when these conditions are met, the system notifies you by email or runs a periodic function. See Monitoring Jobs for more information.



Defines the settings required for a user to respond to a CWSerenade job that requires user intervention in order to proceed.

Why would a job require user intervention?

• An error occurred during processing

• The job is used to send transactions to another system and communication failures occur before the transmission completes

Which types of jobs require user intervention?

• Stored Value Card (activation, balance inquiry or authorization reversal)

• Authorization

• Deposit

See Notify Properties File for more information.



Defines the information required to transmit the POSLog file from CWSerenade via FTP for integration with a point-of-sale system. You use a periodic function to extract transaction information to a file named Store#123.POL, where 123 is the store number assigned in the Default Location for Sales Download (K69) system control value.

Required properties: If you use a unique POSLog integration, use this file to specify:

CW_POS_LOG_FILE_NAME: Specifies the name of the POSLog file, with the pound sign (#) indicating where to insert the three-position Default Location for Sales Download (K69). For example, if you set this property to Store #.POL, the file is named Store #123.POL, where 123 is the Default Location for Sales Download (K69).

CW_FTP_POS_LOG_FILE: If set to Y, indicates to FTP the POSLog file using the poslog_ftp_commands.script, described below.

CW_DELETE_POS_LOG_FILE_AFTER_FTP: If set to Y, indicates to delete the POSLog file after sending it by FTP.

FTP script: The FTP script for POSLog integration is defined in the poslog_ftp_commands.script file. This file is located in the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER specified in the CWDirectCP Properties File. The script consists of:

open | server | userID | passwd

put | /poslog/FTP_REMOTE_FILE_NAME


server = the name of the destination server

userID = a valid user ID for the destination system

passwd = the user ID’s password

Note: You should not modify the second line of the command file.



Defines the settings required to communicate with Relate.

Relate Stored Value Card Integration: See Relate Stored Value Card Integration for more information.

Relate Sales Integration: See Relate Properties for more information.

Relate Interactive Customer Integration: See Relate Properties for more information.

Relate Loyalty Integration: See Relate Properties File under the Relate Loyalty Integration for more information.


Defines the location of the Qawserve.ini file, which contains configuration settings for the QAS Pro Web integration with CWSerenade. See Verify Address Properties File for more information.



Defines the build number to display on the About screen in CWSerenade. See Version Properties File for more information.



Defines which tables are cached and the name of the cache associated with the table so that the system knows which cache to clear when a CWSerenade process updates the information in a table.

This file provides the table name of each CWSerenade table that is cached and the corresponding cache name; there are other caches that are not associated with a CWSerenade table, such as the caches used for the QAS Address integration. See DBTableCacheMapping Properties File for more information.



Specifies whether to print barcodes on the non-graphical pick slip and/or receiving worksheets. You should not change any other information in this file. See FormTypeMapping Properties File for a discussion.

Note: The settings in this property file do not display in Refresh System Properties (PROP). If you change a setting in this file, you must stop and restart the SERENADE service (or application server) before your changes take effect.



Defines information required for the QAS web service.

The QAS web service runs outside of CWSerenade and is used to transmit information between QAS Web Pro and CWSerenade. See WebService Mapping Properties File for more information.

Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.

Jenasys Properties Files

Typically, the Jenasys properties files are normally saved on the CWSerenade application server at the following location, where C: is the root directory of the server.


Contains base configuration settings for CWSerenade, such as where the specific parts of the CWSerenade application are installed and how they should run. The system updates the contents of this file during the installation process and you would typically not change the contents of this file. See Jenasys Properties File for more information on the contents of this file.

Contains database connection settings for CWSerenade. This file contains the database information required to connect to each CWSerenade database.

When to update this file: The system updates this file automatically during the installation process. You will need to update this file if you change your database server, database name, or database login; otherwise, the information in this file should not be changed.

See DBConfig Properties File for more information.



Contains customer configuration settings for CWSerenade, such as calling a custom screen or program.

Enter to call a streamlined version of the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen when processing an RF PO Receipt Transaction. Comment out this line or remove it to call the standard version of the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen.


properties file summary Serenade 5.0 March 2015